Dorfen Beer Hike
The Dorfen Beer Hike is an enjoyable 8.4-mile journey from Schwindegg to Dorfen, showcasing Bavarian landscapes and traditions. Highlights include Schloss Schwindegg, Brauerei Z’Loh’s artisanal brewing, and the vibrant Dorfen…Geocache Hiking
Somewhere along the way in my travels I ran across an article that mentioned the hobby of “geocaching.” My impression…Flagstaff Beer Walk
Pretty much everywhere you hike in Flagstaff, Arizona you have a great view of the San Francisco Peaks rising high…Late Spring Snowy Hike
Surprise! It is almost May and I woke up this morning to a snowy wonderland in my small town, shrouded…Day Hikes in the Big Bend
The terrain gets exciting fairly quickly as I start an early morning drive south from Alpine, TX. I am heading…The Most Remote Brewery in America
What do suppose it means to be the most remote brewery in America? I had to scratch my head at…In the Cloud#%$@
The small village of Cloudcroft in the Sacramento Mountains is about as far South as you can get in New…A Hike to the Top o’ Texas
Texas isn’t the first place that comes to mind when I hear the word “mountains”, so it seemed like an…Winter Hiking in the Southern Rockies
Winter in the Southern Rockies can be cold and snowy at times, but I have found that winter weather rarely…Road Visions
“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” ― Lewis Carroll I’m sitting down…Deja Vu All Over Again
While most people simply admire old photos, Irina Werning is more interested in how people would look and feel if…