Late Spring Snowy Hike

LateSpringSnowyHike - a-IMG_7643.jpgSurprise!  It is almost May and I woke up this morning to a snowy wonderland in my small town, shrouded by the clouds.  Well — today’s late Spring hike will be a snowy one.  I don’t mind.  It isn’t really very cold and I know we are coming to the end of the snows.  I have been hiking in shorts and shirtsleeves for the past week or so but I pull out warmer stuff for today — it isn’t buried in the closet quite yet.

The snow is covering everything.  All those green leafs that have emerged as well as all the small flowers that have popped up are smeared with wet dollops.  The snow frosts all of the big pines as well..
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The stream is rushing down the canyon — not cold enough for any ice to have formed …LateSpringSnowyHike - b-IMG_7668.jpg

The trail is snow covered in most places.  The snow provides a stark contrast to the damp, dark earth below it …LateSpringSnowyHike - d-DSCF5701.jpg
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Spring Snow

Crocuses and tulips are emerging from the ground
Proclaiming that spring has arrived without a sound
From the gray of morning sky snow is gently released
The unusual sight is quite unusual… to say the least

The two extremes are hardy compatible…one would think
To this shocking quandary, Mother Nature gives a wink
Gentle flakes place a delicate kiss on each emerald surface
Destined to stay only long enough for a brief fleeting embrace

Like distant relatives who appear at the doorway unannounced
Tolerated and politely accommodated without being denounced
Barely recognizing features… what a surprise, sit down and visit
Eventually they depart… their absence won’t be grieved in transit

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LateSpringSnowyHike - l-DSCF5698.jpgIt is still evident that this is Spring.  Trees are leafing out everywhere and dark green grasses poke through the snow.  Once the sun breaks over the canyon rim, the melt begins quickly.  It produces a gentle rain beneath the canopy of the big trees.  I shed my fleece jacket and once again begin to soak in the Spring sun in the Southern Rockies.
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